Chicago Modern Vintage Clothing Show August 21, 2014 01:20

Enroute to Chicago with Momma T..


Home for the weekend...


The lovely Sally Schwartz & I.

Sally is the event co-ordinator for Randolph Street Market's Vintage Clothing Show. I had the opportunity to introduce Peaces to Chicago because of her.

Head-Peace & Jeanie Jacket

Natalie & I's photoshoot on a mailbox.

My lovely neighbours for the weekend.. Chicago's Hop Scotch & Soda VIntage Gal's..Check out their classic vintage online shop on Etsy:

Nothing beats a walk in the park

Mexican Dinner with the family after a long hard day at work.

& some ice-cream to top off the night..

Vintage Levi's are always a must have!

SELFIE with my neighbours & my fake nose ring...LOL

Peaces Booth


Would like to thank my family in Chicago for your hospitality & all my new friends for welcoming me to your "WIndy City" with open arms. Thank you Randolph Street market, can't wait to visit again!

 - Savannah-Rae  -